In the online store RHODES-SHOP you will find products for your safety and clothing ..
You can register your orders in RHODES-SHOP via the Internet, from the website, 24 hours a day, all days of the year.
You can start browsing the RHODES-SHOP product catalog from the main categories at the top of the page and explore its subcategories. You can also use the "Search" to go directly to the products of your choice, or follow the suggestions you will find on various pages of RHODES-SHOP.
When you find the products you are interested in, look for the "Buy" icon under each product. Click the "Buy" icon and the product you are interested in will enter your electronic "Cart". You can continue the selection of products that interest you by adding new items to your cart. Whenever you want you can click on your "Cart" to see the products you have already selected and remove or change the quantities in the products in your cart.
When you are done with your selections, click the "Complete Purchases" button, located on the right below the total amount of your order you have in your cart.
If you have the slightest question about the correct completion of your order, do not hesitate to contact us. The partners of RHODES-SHOP are always available to help you complete your order.
To complete your order, if you are not a member, you must enter the information you will be asked.
After filling in your details, you choose the payment method you prefer. You will be asked to make one final check on your details and the content of the order, as well as to accept the terms of use, which we suggest you have read before completing your order. When you place your order, you will receive an automated confirmation email stating the details of your order.
Once you become a member, you can click on "My orders" to watch online the progress of your order. Otherwise you can, if you wish, contact the RHODES-SHOP to request relevant information.
Contact info:
Phone Deliveries: +30 22411 81259
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